Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

The alarm goes off at 6:45 am (ugh! I am not a morning person). I roll out of bed to wake up Mikayla for her first day of Kindergarten to find her already getting dressed. She must be excited! As we drive to the school, I'm already starting to feel the emotions. My little girl, almost 6 and starting Kindergarten. Wow!! Where has the time gone? Wasn't it just yesterday I was holding my 5 lb baby? We walk in, meet the teacher, find her seat and head out to the playground. Luckily, I wasn't the only parent standing around waiting for school to start. The bell rings and all the kids line up to go in. It almost felt like a zoo exhibit. Cameras flashing, parents waving. As they start to head in, Mikayla turns around and waves. I wave back and as soon as she is out of sight, the tears start rolling. I quickly turn around and start to walk back to the car so the other parents can't see. The rest of the morning moved like a snail. I'm not used to having her gone for so long. I was so anxious to pick her up and see how her day went. Did she make any friends? Does she like her teacher? Did she remember her lunch money? I knew she was going to do great. When the time finally came to pick her up I was so excited. We even got there a few minutes early to wait outside along with some other anxious parents. When she came out I scooped her up into a big hug and the boys rushed over to give her a hug too. Apparently they missed her a lot. They were so excited to see her. She said her day was fun. She really likes her teacher and her class (except for one mean girl who doesn't listen). She didn't remember her lunch money at lunch time, but gave it to the teacher afterwards. **sigh** The first day of Kindergarten is over. She loves it. All is well.

Now to tackle next week....the boys first day of Pre-K.

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