Monday, May 18, 2009

What's Going On

I never know how to start these things. I'm not very good at writing. My purpose in doing so today is to let you all know what's been going on. There are rumors starting to circulate and that irritates me to no end! So here it goes....

Brent and I are separated. We've been separated since the end of January. He is living in the bay area where he's been working for the last two years. Our marriage has been struggling for a few years now, and while we've tried everything we know of to make it work, it's getting worse. I know for most of you this comes as quite a shock. We've been trying to keep it quiet and only talking to our family and a few of our closest friends. But as people are starting to find out, and like I said, rumors are being spread, I thought I should say something. And rather than call every single person I know, this seemed to be the best way.

I'm not here to give you all the details, because frankly, that's between Brent and I. What I would like is your unconditional love and support. This has been a rough time for both of us. And please, if you hear any rumors, don't spread them. In fact, come to me and ask me if it's true because the fact of the matter is, it's probably not.

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