Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

The alarm goes off at 6:45 am (ugh! I am not a morning person). I roll out of bed to wake up Mikayla for her first day of Kindergarten to find her already getting dressed. She must be excited! As we drive to the school, I'm already starting to feel the emotions. My little girl, almost 6 and starting Kindergarten. Wow!! Where has the time gone? Wasn't it just yesterday I was holding my 5 lb baby? We walk in, meet the teacher, find her seat and head out to the playground. Luckily, I wasn't the only parent standing around waiting for school to start. The bell rings and all the kids line up to go in. It almost felt like a zoo exhibit. Cameras flashing, parents waving. As they start to head in, Mikayla turns around and waves. I wave back and as soon as she is out of sight, the tears start rolling. I quickly turn around and start to walk back to the car so the other parents can't see. The rest of the morning moved like a snail. I'm not used to having her gone for so long. I was so anxious to pick her up and see how her day went. Did she make any friends? Does she like her teacher? Did she remember her lunch money? I knew she was going to do great. When the time finally came to pick her up I was so excited. We even got there a few minutes early to wait outside along with some other anxious parents. When she came out I scooped her up into a big hug and the boys rushed over to give her a hug too. Apparently they missed her a lot. They were so excited to see her. She said her day was fun. She really likes her teacher and her class (except for one mean girl who doesn't listen). She didn't remember her lunch money at lunch time, but gave it to the teacher afterwards. **sigh** The first day of Kindergarten is over. She loves it. All is well.

Now to tackle next week....the boys first day of Pre-K.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kids Choice Day

Today I decided to have our first ever "Kids Choice Day". I asked each of the kids to choose one thing that they wanted to do today. Aiden wanted to go to Barnes & Noble to play with the trains, Mikayla wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese, and Josh wanted to eat ice cream. So we did all of those things and we had a really fun day!

Monday, May 18, 2009

What's Going On

I never know how to start these things. I'm not very good at writing. My purpose in doing so today is to let you all know what's been going on. There are rumors starting to circulate and that irritates me to no end! So here it goes....

Brent and I are separated. We've been separated since the end of January. He is living in the bay area where he's been working for the last two years. Our marriage has been struggling for a few years now, and while we've tried everything we know of to make it work, it's getting worse. I know for most of you this comes as quite a shock. We've been trying to keep it quiet and only talking to our family and a few of our closest friends. But as people are starting to find out, and like I said, rumors are being spread, I thought I should say something. And rather than call every single person I know, this seemed to be the best way.

I'm not here to give you all the details, because frankly, that's between Brent and I. What I would like is your unconditional love and support. This has been a rough time for both of us. And please, if you hear any rumors, don't spread them. In fact, come to me and ask me if it's true because the fact of the matter is, it's probably not.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Amazing Birthday Party

This year for my birthday, my mom threw me a surprise party. But not just any surprise party, it was a TWILIGHT party! She did such an amazing job decorating, when I walked in I was blown away! She had Twilight posters up on the walls, red, black and white balloons everywhere, candles lit around red roses, red ribbon and red apples. She had the Twilight movie soundtrack playing in the background and even had red punch to drink. It was really beautiful. She invited some of my closest girlfriends (boys just wouldn't understand) and we all had a really fun time. I was so blessed by all the effort she put into it. Thanks Mom! You're the best!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mommy Knows Best

Yesterday at the dentist's office, Mikayla was rewarded with pink silly putty.  She was excited and was enjoying her new treasure, but after getting it stuck in her pocket, she knew what the putty was now capable of.  Fast forward to bed time; she calls out to me from her room and asks to sleep with her silly putty.  I tell her no, that that would be a very bad idea.  In the middle of the night, I hear her screaming and run into her room to have her tell me that her hair is stuck.  It's 3:00 am, I'm disoriented and confused and trying to figure out why my 5 year old is hysterical.  After a few seconds I come to realize that she had in fact, taken the silly putty to bed and it has now lodged itself in her hair and pillowcase.  I try to stay calm as I am untangling this mess, but inside I'm yelling "I told you so".  Luckily, I did not have to cut her hair and the silly putty is now in the garbage.